BearingPoint Ireland Ltd.

Montague House Adelaide Road
D02 K039 Dublin, Ireland

Phone: +353 1 418 11 11  |  Fax: +353 1 418 15 00

Authorized Representatives: Gillian O'SULLIVAN, Eric CONWAY, Michael O'DWYER

Commercial Register and Commercial Register Number: 489298  

VAT Number: IE9761673F

Authorized Capital: 1,000,000 EUR

Responsible Person of the website content: Mike Kronfellner(Marketing)

Information about the webpage provider
RYZE Digital GmbH
Mombacher Str. 4, 55122 Mainz
VAT number: DE 148 268 204

Information to online dispute resolution
Note for clarification: Our offers and services are aimed solely at businesses/companies. Therefore, we are not obligated to participate on any proceedings in front of any alternative dispute resolution authority.